Math, Core and English Programs fAQS


If you have any other questions about RESET Learning, please do not hesitate to contact us

1. What days and times does the program run?

Our program runs 7 days a week. The hour-long classes are run within the following times:
Monday-Friday 3:00pm to 7:00pm
Saturday-Sunday 10:00am to 1:30pm
You can find our schedule by clicking here

2. What happens during the hour class?

Students complete sessions in groups of up to 4. The 4:1 learner-to-facilitator ratio ensures that learners receive individual support while learning and collaborating with others. Each program session is one hour long and begins with 10 minutes of physical activity in our Activity Room to increase blood flow to the brain for optimal learning. Next, the facilitator will outline one or two new learning strategies, followed by an activity, discussion period, and a journal reflection.

3. What curriculum is used?

The RESET Learning curriculum was developed with the guidance of experts in educational psychology and neuroscience. The curriculum begins with a series of sessions that guide learners towards understanding their needs. The program progresses through topics such as memory strengthening, strategies for reading speed & comprehension, study skills, decision-making, and habit creation - the “foundational skills of education”. The strategies introduced in our program are meant to be integrated into current academic endeavors, aiding learners in developing a plan of action for effective learning that can be geared towards all subjects.

4. Who should attend RESET Learning?

RESET is for everyone, as it is focused on individual improvement and provides skills that could enhance any learner’s academic understanding or performance. Currently, we have learners who are working on reducing academic anxiety, increasing motivation, and developing effective study habits. Additionally, we have learners who are curious about how their brain works!

5. Is there homework?

There is no homework assigned that would be additional to a learner’s school workload. We encourage learners to set goals and integrate our strategies into their pre-existing work habits - which should be done in combination with their current academics. Practice makes perfect!

6. How does the program increase academic capacity?

Learners will gain a better understanding of what they need to effectively learn, and adopt the strategies that enable them to do so. Instead of approaching an upcoming test or assignment with “I don’t know how to study”, they will gain an understanding of how to better approach a new or challenging concept, and approach it with “I know what I have to do to study for this.”

7. Are digital devices used in the program?

No! Our sessions are meant to be a digital detox that encourages us to use our brains to their full potential. Digital devices can function as our "extended brains," providing us with quick access to all the information we need. Our minds can become lazy and don't force us to develop solutions when we can Google them. We don’t want to lose our analytic skills, performance, and deep thinking abilities. We want to keep focused and solve problems by ourselves.


*now enrolling fall, winter and spring intakes


TEL: 604.558.1145
E-MAIL: info@resetourlearning.com